
v6c_grid_small nc_inundation_v6c.grd

Description: The North Carolina v6c ADCIRC mesh is a pre-cursor/starting point for the sequence of grid developments that in the “final” grid for the FEMA project, v98. The v6c grid was subsequently deployed for real time simulation runs with the ADCIRC Surge Guidance System (ASGS) in 2011. The mesh was also used for real time storm surge guidance during Hurricane Irene, Superstorm Sandy, and most recently, Hurricane Arthur of 2014. The mesh has been used to provide guidance to official forecasters for coastal water levels using the North American Mesoscale (NAM) atmospheric model. Automated by ASGS and driven by NAM forecasts, this ADCIRC mesh continues to produce guidance from two forecasts per day. This guidance is used by local National Weather Service forecasters offices, particularly for inundation and wave conditions during Nor’easters. ADCIRC guidance based on this mesh has also been requested by the US Coast Guard for use in search and rescue operations.”