ADCIRC Utility Programs

bnd_extr.f – program to setup the boundary condition information required for the fort.14 file. The user starts with a node and element table (as generated by GREDIT) and is prompted for beginning and ending node numbers along with a boundary type for each boundary segment. Note, this program has not been updated to work with overflow barrier boundaries or internal barrier boundaries.

tide_fac.f – program to compute nodal factors and equilibrium arguments that are required if
equilibrium tidal constituents are used as model forcing but the model output is to be referenced to a specific date and time.

tidal_database_FES952.ZIP – Program to extract tidal harmonic constituent from FES.95.2 global tidal database for an ADCIRC open boundary.

interp.f, bath_interp.f – set of programs used to calculate interpolation factors and interpolate bathymetry from one grid to another.

MeshChecker05.F90 – Generalized diagnostics to look for some common errors in Adcirc meshes. – Shell script to automatically build a fort.13 file for a given mesh. Accepts arbitrary land cover datasets, and can handle a number of different nodal attributes. Tau0_gen program is included in this package. Also contains documentation and a checker utility. Updated 8/26/2021.

buildstwave23.F – Program to create a fort.23 file for NWS=2xx from STWAVE files.

extract_53.f – program to extract a subdomain out of a single fort.53 file or a sequence of fort.53 files.

extract_54.f – program to extract a subdomain out of a single fort.54 file or a sequence of fort.54 files.

extract_63.f – program to extract a subdomain out of a single fort.63 file or a sequence of fort.63 files.

extract_64.f – program to extract a subdomain out of a single fort.64 file or a sequence of fort.64 files.

fort_53_interp.f – program to interpolate a fort.53 file from one grid onto another grid.

fort_54_interp.f – program to interpolate a fort.54 file from one grid onto another grid.

adcirc2netcdf_v5.f90 – Conversion tool for ADCIRC+SWAN ASCII ouput to NetCDF. – Conversion tool for ADCIRC+SWAN NetCDF to ASCII ouput.

RenciGETools-1.0.tar.gz – Set of tools to generate Google Earth kmz graphics files from ADCIRC results.

Resultscope.f90 – Program to extract out a subgrid designated by the user and the desired output files to go with the subgrid (options for output files include fort.63, fort.64, fort.73 and fort.74, but can also be used with the min and max files since they are in fort.63 format). The program works with sparse and full format.

max_elev_grad_chk.f – A Fortran program to compute the gradient for each element from the maximum elevation file at the end of the run. This program is useful for identifying potential problem areas in grids.

aggregate_gradient_chk_v3.f – A Fortran program to take results from the maximum elevation gradient checker program for a number of storms and aggregate those results to output the element number based on the number of storms that involve that element. Also included in the output are the gradient average and the x and y midpoint of the element for easy viewing in SMS as a scatterpoint file. The Drogue 2d program with options for harmonic or velocity input, updated August 2012 with a bug fix. This zip file also includes a sample input files for a simple test case run.

DEM2GRDv3.f90 – Reads and ADCIRC mesh and DEM, interpolates elevations onto the mesh nodes using a cell averaging based on local element size and the DEM grid size.  An example of the input file can be found here.  A User’s Manual is available here. The method is explained in this manuscript:  Matthew V. Bilskie, Scott C. Hagen, Topographic accuracy assessment of bare earth lidar-derived unstructured meshes, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 52, February 2013, Pages 165-177.

Maureparticle – a Fortran program designed to be run as a post-processing step using ADCIRC’s 2DDI current velocity output, and optionally wind velocity output for surface drifters. Included in the archive is a readme file, an example simulation, and a Perl script to create a kmz file from the particle tracking output to view the results in Google Earth. The code is commented to help users figure out how to use it. Code created by: Nathan Dill

ourPerl GitHub – Various Perl utilities, mostly related to coastal engineering and hydrodynamic modeling, created by Nathan Dill.

CFStoFORT22.m – Matlab script to create a fort.22 from CFS (grib2 format).

nicegrid2 – Grid post-processor to automatically improve a triangular grid. NICEGRID2 automatically adds and deletes elements and nodes, and reduces the element skewness. Created by André Fortunato.  Publication reference: Fortunato, A.B., N. Bruneau; A. Azevedo; M.A.V.C. Araújo; A. Oliveira. 2011. Automatic improvement of unstructured grids for coastal simulations. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 1028-1032. Download publication here.

coarsengrid – Code that reads a grid and subsamples the nodes with a user-specified minimum distance. The output is a set of build points that have to be triangulated to get a grid. Compile using Fortran compilers.  If you type coarsengrid (without any flags) after compiling, you will get the instructions to run.  Created by André Fortunato.

swangrd_prep.m – is used to prepare non-standard SWAN input files for coupled ADCIRC-SWAN simulations in parallel mode.  Created by Elizabeth Holzenthal.

griddata.pdf, griddata_PT03-3.F90, griddata_v1.32.F90 – Interpolate data from ascii rasters, xyz files, lidar, or land use on to grid using grid scle averaging scheme. Also can smooth z values on existing grids.

gridscope, file.dat – Remove rectangular or circular sections of large ADCIRC grids to be edited, and return them to base grid when done editing. Can also view and edit 13 parameters. Requires file.dat input file.

FigureGen – FigureGen is a Fortran program that creates images for ADCIRC files. It reads mesh files (fort.14, etc) nodal attributes files (fort.13, etc) and output files (fort.63, fort.64, maxele.63, etc). It plots contours, contour lines, and vectors. Using FigureGen you can go directly from ADCIRC input and output files to a presentation-quality figure, for one or multiple time snaps. FigureGen began with a script written by Brian Blanton, was converted to Fortran and extended by Casey Dietrich, and it now contains code written by John Atkinson, Zach Cobell, Howard Lander, CHris Szpilka, Matthieu Vitse, and others. Casey Dietrich distributes and maintains it. – Python script that reads a file with a list of any number of figuregen input files and will call up a new process for each input file so that all figures can be submitted at a single time without having to do it manually.

submit.dofiguregen – qsub script which calls the python script from the queuing system

inputlist.txt – Example of the file that lists the input files