2013 ADCIRC Workshop Talks

17th Annual ADCIRC Model Workshop
April 29-30, 2013

List of Presentations

Monday April 29, 2013

Session 1: Applications and Analysis

Casey Dietrich UT Austin Oil Spill Transport as Driven by the 3D Baroclinic ADCIRC
Chris Szpilka Univ. of Oklahoma Preliminary Results for the EC2012 ADCIRC Tidal Database
Juan Gonzalez Notre Dame Tidal validation of a new high-resolution unstructured mesh for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Clint Dawson UT Austin Study of some potential storm surge protection systems for Houston and Galveston
Corbitt Kerr Notre Dame Model Response Sensitivity to Waves, Non-Linear Advection, and Bottom Friction
Jian Kuang Stony Brook University Storm Surge Prediction for New York Harbor and Southern Long Island using ADCIRC
Ben Jelley WorldWinds Inc Hurricane Sandy and ADCIRC Project Support at WorldWinds, Inc.


Session 2: New Developments

Zach Cobell ARCADIS, INC Applying Dynamic Levee Breaching in New Orleans Polders During Hurricane Katrina
Joshua Todd Florida Institute of Technology Development and Implementation of Depth Dependent Wave Forcing and Stokes Drift into Coupled 3D PADCIRC/PUNSWAN
Chris Massey USACE-ERDC-CHL ERDC’s CSTORM-MS Updates and GFDL Winds
Rick Luettich UNC Chapel Hill Development and Initial Evaluation of A Generalized Asymmetric Tropical Cyclone Vortex Model in ADCIRC
Jason Fleming Seahorse Coastal Consulting What’s New in ADCIRC v51


Session 3: Discontinous Galerkin Methods

Angela Nappi Ohio State University Introducing DG-WAVE: A discontinuous Galerkin-based wave prediction model
Steven Brus Notre Dame Boundary condition implementation for discontinuous Galerkin solutions to shallow water flow in channels
Jessica Meixner UT Austin Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Spectral Wave/Circulation Modeling



Tuesday April 30, 2013

Session 4: Application and Analysis

Taylor Asher URS Corporation On Model Wind Scaling Parameters
Matt Bilskie Univ. Central FL Development and Validation of a High-Resolution, Wind-Wave, Tide, and Hurricane Storm Surge Model for Mississippi and Alabama
Stephen Medeiros Univ. Central FL LiDAR-Enhanced Surface Roughness Parameterization
Bob Jacobsen Hurricane Surge Hazard Analysis: The State of the Practice and Recent Applications for Southeast Louisiana

Session 5: Lagniappe

Aaron Donahue Notre Dame Green-Naghdi type solutions to the Pressure Poisson equation with Boussinesq Scaling
Alan Zundel Aquaveo, Inc SMS 11.1 Features

Session 6: Operational Considerations

Jesse Feyen NOAA Use of ADCIRC in Operational Modeling at NOAA
Andre Van der Weshuysen NOAA Development and Validation of the Nearshore Wave Prediction System
Kendra Dresback Univ. of Okalahoma Skill Assessment of the STORM system for Hurricane Irene (Scalable, Terrestrial, Ocean, River, Meteorology)

Session 7: Operational Considerations

SeungWon Suh Kunsan National University An efficient near real-time typhoon storm surge forecasting by ADCIRC and SLOSH
James Cipriani IBM Operational Mesoscale Modeling for the New York City Metropolitan Area – Tropical Storm Irene and Post-tropical Storm Sandy
Animation 1 Animation 2
Colton Conroy Ohio State University ADMESH: An advanced, automatic unstructured mesh generator for shallow water models
Animation 1 Animation 2 Animation 3
Jason Fleming Seahorse Coastal Consulting The ADCIRC Surge Guidance System