2017 ADCIRC User’s Group Meeting Presentations

5/4/2017: Morning

Kerry Emanuel Using Physics to Help Assess Tropical Cyclone Risk
Rick Luettich  ADCIRC Water Level Data Assimilation Using Optimal Interpolation
Joannes Westerink Progress in Modeling Tides and Storm Surge in the Western Pacific & Marginal Seas
Scott Hagen ADCIRC and the coastal dynamics of sea level rise
Clint Dawson   DesignSafe


5/4/2017: Afternoon

Matt Bilskie Development of an optimized tide and hurricane storm surge model for the northern Gulf of Mexico for use with the ASGS
Juan Orlando Gonzalez Lopez Latest applications of ADCIRC+SWAN for tides, waves, currents, storm surge, and hydrology coupling in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
 Amanda Tritinger  The importance of vertical structure to open-coast surges and its incorporation into depth averaged models
 Rosemary Cyriac  Circulation dynamics and transport characteristics of densitydriven flows in the Choctawhatchee Bay and the River System
Marissa Torres  Development of high resolution ADCIRC model for the US northeast coast: Challenges, Issues, and Solutions
Ajimon Thomas Hindcasts of Winds and Surge during Hurricane Matthew (2016): Balancing Large-Domain Coverage and Localized Accuracy
Brian Joyce Modeling tides, storm surge and the effect of sea ice in Alaska
Steven Brus A detailed high-order discontinuous Galerkin tidal simulation for Galveston Bay
William Pringle Tides and Storm Surge in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea
Chris Massey  Coastal Texas Comprehensive Study
Kendra Dresback Hazards and Resiliency Modelling Initiatives at the University of Oklahoma
David Ullman Storm Surge Impacts of a Major Hurricane in Southern New England


5/5/2017: Morning

Alireza Gharagozlou XBeach modeling of erosion during Hurricane Isabel: Resolution requirements for coupling with ADCIRC
avi file
SeungWon Suh A real-time beach erosion prediction and hindcasting of marine city inundation using ADCIRC+SWAN+ XBeach+EurOtop
Reza Marsooli Risk Assessment of Hurricane Storm Tide for the US East Coast and Gulf Coast Regions: First Step – Validation of a Coupled Circulation+Wave Model
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Michelle Terry Probabilistic Storm Surge Risk Assessment Using a Synthetic Hurricane Database
Zach Cobell Migrating ADCIRC Development to GitHub
Keith Roberts Load Balancing in ADCIRC
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Damrongsak Wirasaet Progress in using sponge layers as an open boundary treatment in ADCIRC
Peyman Taeb Automated multi-grid tool for high resolution estuarine modeling
 Tristan Dyer Advancements in Data Visualization and Subdomain Modeling in ADCIRC
Zipped files


5/5/2017: Afternoon

Sergey Vinogradov ADCIRC Applications at NOAA
Saeed Moghimi  Development of the ADCIRC NOUPC/ESMF Cap for flexible model coupling
Jason Fleming What’s New in ADCIRC v53
Alan Zundel SMS Features and Future Directions
Jason Fleming   The Road to v54