Time Varying Bathymetry Input File (fort.141)

The ADCIRC Time Varying Bathymetry Input File (fort.141) is used by ADCIRC whenever the NDDT value in the fort.14 is nonzero. There are two variations of this file, depending on the value of NDDT.

Full Domain Bathymetry Change

If NDDT is +/-1, then each bathymetry dataset in the file covers the full domain, and the file format is as follows:

for i=1 to numDataSets

for j=1 to NP

j, depth(j)

end j loop

end i loop

where NP is the number of nodes in the horizontal mesh, j is the node number, and depth(j) has the same meaning as DP in the mesh file (fort.14).

Limited Area Bathymetry Change

If NDDT is +/-2, then each dataset in the fort.141 file covers only part of the domain, and the file format is as follows:

for i=1 to numDataSets

” #”

for j=1 to areaNodes

j, depth(j)

end j loop

end i loop

The separation between datasets is achieved by placing a hash mark (“#”) in the second column of a line. This formatting allows each dataset to have a different number of records, thus enabling simulations where the number of nodes that change their bathymetry varies over time.