Surface Temperature Boundary Values (fort.38)

The surface temperature boundary condition input file (fort.38) is read in when the RES_BC_FLAG is set to -3, 3, -4, or 4 in the fort.15 file (i.e., when a lateral temperature boundary condition is being used) and its format depends on the BCFLAG_TEMP parameter in the fort.15, which controls the surface heat flux parameterization in ADCIRC.

If BCFLAG_TEMP=1 in the fort.15, the format of the fort.38 is as follows:

for i=1 to numberOfDataSets

for k=1 to NP

k, q_heat(k)

end k loop

end i loop

If BCFLAG_TEMP=2 in the fort.15, the format of the fort.38 is as follows:

for i=1 to numberOfDataSets

(K, (TMP(K,J), J=1,6),K=1,NP)

end i loop

where TMP(K,J) is the surface heat flux parameter Jth heat flux component for the Kth horizontal mesh node. The data are read using an implicit Fortran i/o loop, thus the parentheses around the statement.

If BCFLAG_TEMP=3 in the fort.15, the format of the fort.38 is as follows:

for i=1 to numberOfDataSets

(K, (TMP(K,J), J=1,4),K=1,NP)

end i loop

where TMP(K,J) is the surface heat flux parameter Jth heat flux component for the Kth horizontal mesh node. The data are read using an implicit Fortran i/o loop, thus the parentheses around the statement.

In all the above cases, NP is the number of nodes in the horizontal mesh (i.e., the 2D fulldomain number of nodes). See the fort.15 documentation on 3D baroclinic physics (particularly the explanation of various BCFLAG_TEMP values) for more details.