Salinity and Temperature River Boundary Values (fort.39)

The salinity and temperature river boundary condition file (fort.39) is read in when the mesh file (fort.14) contains a baroclinic river boundary (IBTYPE=122) and IDEN is positive.


for i=1 to numberOfDataSets

for j=1 to number_of_river_boundary_nodes

(bc(j,k), k=1,NFEN)

end j loop

end i loop

where RIVBCTIMINC is the time increment (in seconds) between the boundary condition datasets; RIVBCSTATIM is the time (in seconds) when the boundary condition data start, relative to the cold start time.

The bc(j,k) values depend on the value of IDEN. If IDEN=2, then the salinity boundary condition values should be used for bc(j,k). If IDEN=3, then the temperature boundary condition values should be used for bc(j,k). If IDEN=4, then the bc(j,k) should be replaced with salbc(j,k),tempbc(j,k).