Multiple File Meteorological Forcing Input (fort.200, ??)

A sequence of meteorological input files (wind velocity and atmospheric pressure) are read when NWS= 10, 110, 11, 111 in the Model Parameter and Periodic Boundary Condition File. See notes at the end of this section for additional information on the contents of these files.

The basic file structure is shown below. Each line of input data is represented by a line containing the input variable name(s) in bold face type. Blank lines are only to enhance readability. Loops indicate multiple lines of input. Conditional input is indicated by an if clause. Definitions of each variable are provided via hot links.

if NWS = 10 or 110

for k=1, LONB*LATB

PG(k), UG(k), VG(k)

end k loop

if NWS = 11 or 111

for k=1, 8


for j=1, LONB*LATB

UE(j), VE(j), PE(j)

end j loop

end k loop

General Note:

Meteorological data must be provided for the entire model run, otherwise the run will crash!

for NWS = 10, 110 – National Weather Service AVN surface flux file format

Meteorological data is input to a “type 126”, Gaussian longitude, latitude grid (NWLON*NWLAT is hardwired to 384*190 = 72,960 for this grid) and interpolated in space onto the ADCIRC grid. Data are ordered in these files the same way they are generated by the degribbing program. The ADCIRC grid must be in lon, lat coordinates.

The met data are contained in a sequence of files with names: fort.200, fort.200+N, fort.200+2*N, fort.200+3*N,…., where N is the time interval (in hours) between successive met data (e.g., at 6 hr intervals this would be fort.200, fort.206, fort.212, etc.). N is determined as N = WTIMINC/3600. where WTIMINC is the met. data time interval (in sec) and is specified in the Model Parameter and Periodic Boundary Condition File. If the model is cold started, it is assumed that the winds are at rest at the beginning of the model run and no data file (fort.200) is read corresponding to TIME=STATIM. Rather, the first required data file (fort.200+N) corresponds to TIME=STATIM+WTIMINC. If the model is hot started, an initial file (fort.200) is required corresponding to TIME=HOT START TIME. In either case, additional sets of met. data must be provided every WTIMINC, in appropriately named files. Met data is interpolated in time to the ADCIRC time step.

Wind velocity (@ 10 m above the water surface) must be input in units of m/s. Surface atmospheric pressure must be input in units of Pascals = Newtons/square meter.

The following relations are used to compute wind stress from the input wind velocity.

WIND_SPEED = magnitude of WIND_VEL

DRAG_COEFF = 0.001*(0.75+0.067*WIND_SPEED)

If ( DRAG_COEFF=0.003


The following relationship is used in ADCIRC to convert to pressure in meters of water from pressure in Pascal:


Notes for NWS = 11, 111 – National Weather Service Eta-29 file.

Meteorological data is input to the standard Eta-29 “E” grid, (non-cartesian grid, NWLON*NWLAT is hardwired to 181*271 = 49,051), and interpolated in space onto the ADCIRC grid. The ADCIRC grid must be in lon, lat coordinates.

The met data are contained in a sequence of files with names: fort.200, fort.201, fort.202, fort.203,…., Each file contains 8 data sets spaced 3 hrs apart in time (WTIMINC is the met. data time interval = 3600*3 = 10800 sec) for a total of 1 day of data per file. The first and last data sets in each file are assumed to correspond to 03:00 hrs and 24:00 hrs, respectively, on the day of the file. If the model is cold started, it is assumed that the winds are at rest at the beginning of the model run and no data file (fort.200) is read corresponding to TIME=STATIM. Rather, the initial data set in the first required data file (fort.201) corresponds to TIME=STATIM+WTIMINC. If the model is hot started, an initial file (fort.200) is required in which the last data set corresponds to TIME=HOT START TIME. In either case, 8 sets of met. data must be provided every
WTIMINC in each file and appropriately named files must be provided for each day of the model run. Met data is interpolated in time to the ADCIRC time step.

The file type is binary: ACCESS=’sequential’, FORM=’unformatted’

Wind velocity (@ 10 m above the water surface) must be input in units of m/s oriented along the E grid coordinate directions. Surface atmospheric pressure must be input in units of millibars.

The following relations are used to compute wind stress from the input wind velocity.

WIND_SPEED = magnitude of WIND_VEL

DRAG_COEFF = 0.001*(0.75+0.067*WIND_SPEED)

If ( DRAG_COEFF=0.003


The following relationship is used in ADCIRC to convert to pressure in meters of water from pressure in millibars.


The integer values IYEAR, IMONTH, IDAY, IHOUR are read in and ignored by ADCIRC.